Monday, August 7, 2023

What's This Blog is Going to be About

 Uh, hi. I'm the blog creator. This is my first blog I'm going to make. Ever. And I'll tell you what's this blog is going to be... talking about.

The Blog's Purpose

Yeah, so as you can see from the blog's name, it's New Order Campaign. What's a campaign, you ask? Well, it's a thing for Dungeons and Dragons. Especially the 5th edition. It's shortened to D&D 5e. Neat, ain't it? And a campaign in D&D is somewhat like a story line. A huge one. 

And this is where New Order comes in. It's a storyline, a very big one. I'm the dungeon master of this, a.k.a. the host and/or narrator of this campaign, and I also make literally every word in these storylines. I also have a community in school that usually comes in a meet every Sunday to attend the campaign through this thing called 'sessions.' And especially for my case, it also has a few chapters. It's not a thing in D&D, but it's my campaign, and let the ideas go wild, I guess?

And, if you haven't already watch the D&D Honor Among Thieves movie, well, let's get a better-known movie. If you ever watch Lord of the Rings. Of course you have ever, right? Well, this is where D&D comes from. LotR inspired the D&D game. And so, here we are, with me talking about what D&D is. 

The Campaign's Progress

I didn't say my campaign hasn't started, have I? In fact, my first chapter is almost complete. By my community in school (which is better not to be mentioned its name of), we have ventured through the first chapter, which is Mislandlom, a region that my friends roamed about (and the chaotic events in there as well, we'll get to that pater later on) and out of 4 sessions, 3 sessions have been complete.

The next session is this Sunday. If you're interested, well, too bad, cause you didn't get any chance to experience the first gameplays of my sessions then. I MIGHT make another session in, I don't know, Discord Servers? We'll see that thing later in the future.

What I'm going to be posting here

I will be uploading quite a few stuff, for example the progress of the D&D campaign I'm on journey through, discussing the characters in those session so you know the strength and weaknesses of this character, and I also might drop in a few more tips about D&D, for example how to be a good dungeon master (This is not a way of me saying I'm a good dungeon master), making your own OC, OP races and class combinations that shouldn't be in DMs, and a few more things.

And you might think, "Bro, what's a dungeon master, class combinations, and RACES? Are you making us all racist!?" No. I'm not. This is how D&D works. You just have to follow this blog's contents (that might be longer to wait than you think it would be) and explore the depths of D&D. And of course, my campaign's lore- 

I think that's enough to wrap up this blog. I hope you enjoyed what I wrote so far. You might not, because this is just an opening for those who just entered the blog. And I also hope you'll wait for more contents I'm gonna be dropping. Bye, people. Peace Out!


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