Monday, October 2, 2023

Noctis Angevile Character Sheet Breakdown

     Hi. And today, I'm going to breakdown one of my OCs that I use the most in my DnD DMs. Introducing Noctis Angevile

    Don't ask why the picture of him is a Gacha, I'm working with his actual humanly design. No I don't play gacha oftenly, I only use Gacha when I want to make a character, so shut up.

Common Features

    Noctis Angevile is a Human Fighter, just the classic. He wields one of the Ancient Weapon (a very powerful weapon in the New Order Series) named the Sword Edge and also tucks a dagger called The Shattering Dagger on his belt. He also has a chainmail bangle on his right shoulder. He also has The Eye of the Lapis, which I'll explain later in the blog. 

    His Sword Edge deals 1d12 slashing damage + 6 force damage, and he could choose 5 turns to boost his damage to +12 force damage for 1 turn. Only 5 times, though. The Shattering Dagger is quite unique, rather. This weapon deals 1d6 piercing damage + 1d4 slashing damage, but it has the ability "Shatter", which allows it to shatter into pieces and stab the opponent to stay there. Its first contact to the enemy deals 3d4 + 2 piercing damage, but each turn the enemy does, it deals 1d4 piercing damage. The user can choose when to draw it back, and he can't use the dagger when it's still shattered. After drawn back, the user must wait for 2 turns to use the ability again.

    Noctis also carries a few more things on his back, which consist of Explorer's Pack, a map, a walking stick (just in case), a set of traveler's clothes, a stub of charcoal, a small diary, and a pair of belt pouch with one containing 5 GP and the other, 100 GP. It was obtained from his last salary for going to Mislandlom (New Order spoilers)

Stats, Checks, Combat and Proficiencies

    There are 2 main stats that I put for Noctis. Strength and Dexterity, with a good +5. But the others are... let's just say just dead. His Constitution hits +1, but he's so dumb, Intelligence -4, and Wisdom -1, which makes his decisions rather... blunt in the party. His Charisma, although, has a good +3. He's also proficient in Strength and Constitution saves, so his Strength save is +8 and his Constitution is +4. Not the best, but my RNG are to be questioned.

    His checks are also quite decent, but with his stats not being spread well, a few of his checks are just, meh, really. He's proficient to Athletics and Intimidation, which makes his Athletics +8 and his Intimidation, +6. But a few things that should be prominent for Humans, which are Nature and Religion, is just bad, -4.

    His Combat stats are also quite bulky, with a total HP of 56, AC of 16, and Initiative +5, making him very swift and bulky in battle. He has 30ft walking speed, though, so his swiftness really depends on the terrain he is in. In a very bad terrain, example water or high cliffs, he would be inefficient in combat.

Attacks, Equipment, Features, and Traits

    Let's talk about his uniqueness in combat, compared to any other OC in the world of D&D, First of all, he mainly uses his Sword Edge, an Ancient Weapon that could deal 2d10 slashing damage + 4 force damage per hit. He also uses a Shattering Dagger, which deals 1d8 slashing + 3d4 piercing + 2 force damage per hit, and its skill, "Shatter", makes it able to shatter into small sharp pieces and sticks into the enemies body, dealing 1d4 piercing per turn for 2 turns.

    But one part of him that is unique is his Eye of The Lapis. This is an eye that allows Noctis to summon the Teal Aeon, Odin himself. Odin often rides his horse, Sleipnir. When summoned, Odin could last 5 turns in the battlefield, and being a Legendary creature, he can do 4 devastating attacks, Provoke, and Protect with Ullr's Shield each turn, meaning that players couldn't kill him, and can only defend against him. A few of his attacks are Gungnir, which deals 2d8 + 10 piercing damage, Thundaga, which is a magic spell that deals 5d12 lightning damage for the cost of not doing anything the next turn, and Zantetsuken, a devastating attack when he takes his leave from the battlefield, which deals 12d12 slashing damage to all enemies.

    He also has a few features as a Warrior and a Human. Mostly Warrior, Human does nothing, really. He gets Dueling, which allows him to add +2 damage every time he wields only one weapon on his hand. He also knows Second Wind, which allows him to heal for 1d10 + fighting level once. Action Surge is a Warrior's Trait that allows him to take an extra turn whenever he wants once only. 

    He also takes the Battle Master role as a Warrior, which unlocks the Maneuver Mechanics. He knows 5 maneuvers and has 5 superiority dices, that is a d8, currently. Every time he's in a pinch of a situation, he can use one of his maneuvers to help him. He knows 5, and here they are.

1. Ambush : Allows him to add his superiority dice to his Initiative or Stealth Check
2. Parry : Allows him to use his reaction and decrease incoming damage from enemies as much as how much he rolls in his superiority dices
3. Riposte : Allows him to do additional turn whenever his enemy misses him. This attack is added by his superiority dice.
4. Sweeping Attack : When he attack a target, he can attack another target with his original attack roll, but he doesn't use his damage roll. Instead, he uses Superiority Roll
5. Set-Up The Kill : You can invite another friend to attack again. When this friend accepts the offer and attacks again, its damage roll is added with your superiority dice.

    And that is all there is about New Order's main character, Noctis. I hope you enjoy and when New Order finally releases, you all could enjoy my novel (I hope, really-) Peace.





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